Landlord Kicks Girl Out for Sheltering Dogs, Begs Her for Job When Tables Turn — Story of the Day

Tara struggled to find optimism in the world after losing her sole parent and growing up in foster care. She continued to be kind-hearted despite her homelessness, nevertheless. When she did eventually get her first flat, her landlord eventually ejected her. He would be asking her for assistance a year later. Tara’s mother always told her before she passed away that hope is one of life’s most underappreciated gifts. She would remark: “Hope is your lap bar on the roller coaster that is life. You have nothing to stabilize you on their jagged curves if you do not have hope.”

Tara’s mother died when she was just ten years old. She was raised in foster care because she never knew her father. While living in the group home, Tara made an effort to maintain her optimism, thinking that one day a member of her family would find her and adopt her. If not that, she hoped that she would eventually be adopted by any decent family. But Tara’s hope started to fade as the years went by, disappointing her more and more. She came to the conclusion that after she was out of foster care, things would improve in an attempt to hold onto her glimmer of hope.

She ultimately left foster care when she reached eighteen, but she had trouble finding housing and employment. Tara had a kind heart and was a hard worker, but it seemed like all of her efforts were in vain. Eventually, she discovered that she was homeless for a few months. To pay for food and other basics, she would grovel for money and take on any odd jobs she could. She occasionally found a room in the neighborhood homeless shelter, but most nights she was alone, cold, and in danger on the streets.

Tara had completely given up on hope by this stage and was more focused on the need to survive. She had come to the conclusion that justice did not exist in the world. Whatever the case, she never wavered in her kindness. Eventually on, Tara was hired as a waiter at a nearby café. She was pleased of herself and extremely appreciative of the work. Tara put in long 12-hour workdays. She worked tirelessly at her profession, hoping to eventually rent out the house she had been eyeing for some time. On her walk to the shelter, she would frequently pass it and notice the “for rent” sign in the yard. She made the decision to inquire about renting it out as soon as she was hired.

Tara was a homebody at heart, and she was prepared to work hard to achieve her goals. Tara’s hope started to revive when she eventually managed to regain her spot. Better days were finally dawning for her.

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