Man Constantly Mocks Unemployed Wife for Doing Nothing, Finds a Note after Ambulance Takes Her Away — Story of the Day

When a man comes home one evening, he finds his wife gone, mocking her for not working. He finds out via a message he finds while looking for her that his wife wants to get a divorce and that she was taken away in an ambulance. The day Harry had been waiting for to unveil the new gaming software he had been working on day and night for the past six months was a bright, cool October morning. If all went according to plan, Harry would be able to claim his long-awaited promotion and six-figure salary. He was therefore ecstatic.

Harry came into the dining room at eight o’clock, his eyes glued to his phone rather than his wife Sara or his two young sons, Cody and Sonny. Morning, my love,” Sara uttered. “Daddy, good morning,” the lads all said together. Harry, though, remained silent. Lost in his thoughts on the impending presentation, he hastily grabbed a toast and went back to his room to get ready. Where is my white shirt, Sara?” They were all still eating breakfast when Harry’s voice erupted out of the bedroom..

“I merely washed it with all the whites,” “You said you only gave it a wash. What does that mean? Three days ago, I asked that you wash it. That is my fortunate garment, you know. Harry raced to the dining room, “And I needed it for today’s meeting.” “Why are you never able to accomplish anything correctly? Why must you make mistakes everywhere you go? I am having a big day today. What should I wear now?” 

Sara’s cheeks flushed, and she began to justify herself. “Harry, please stop screaming at me in the morning. There were not enough white clothing for me to launder. I just gathered all of them until I had a full load. And it’s not the only white shirt you have. It’s not a big deal or something. So stop barking, alright?”

“Oh really? I’m barking? You wanna do this now?” “Do what, Harry? You’re making a scene for a stupid little thing. And nobody would be interested in what color shirt you’re wearing when all eyes would be fixed on your goddamn presentation.” “A goddamn presentation? Come again…Did you just say that? Do you have any idea how I’ve been busting my butt off day and night for that project?”

“And you know what? You sit at home all day doing nothing,” Harry blurted out. “Is it too hard to remember one simple thing? And that friend of yours in the apartment below…All you do is gossip with her as if you’re gonna solve the whole world’s problem. All you do is Blah Blah Blah and NOTHING at home.” “Oh really? And nobody watches you when you’re on the goddamn phone gossiping all the time with your friends. Whose husband did what…Whose wife has a fling with who…and basically sitting at home doing nothing around here? Nobody watches that, huh, Sara?”

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